My 16" old Cave Telescope Home-made Observatory CCD Cooled ATIKs and Antenna System NEW ORLEANS 2ND Receiver located at the foot of lake Pontchartrain, another area often full of DX surprises.- This is work-in-progress! Operated by Roberto Dabdoub, KB5AVY, Trustee of "kb5avy Linked repeater system" with over 40 years of open service. Two FUNcubes Dongle Pro + with a G5RV and an MFJ 1886 Super Loop antennas Facing south, toward the Gulf of Mexico. We're elated that Dr.Tjerk de Boer allowed us to partake in his unique project. ATTENTION: During thunderstorms, the system switches automatically to another indoor MFJ 1886 Loop. The reception could be also compromised being indoors. Don't hear any signals coming in? Probably the band is dead. QSY to another public WebSDR or, go to our second WebSDR below. The Kiwis are always ready. Please, email me with comments and sugestions. E-mail anaglyptic@gmail.com
Some other work featured on the cover of "CQ" "The unseen World Inside your Radio" and Popular Communication: "New Orleans Reconnected" Other articles in Popular Mechanics and National Geographic "World". More recently, in the Oct issue of CQ after the devastating hurricane Ida.
To learn more about Dr. Pieter-Tjerk de Boer,PA3FWM, of Twente University, the creator of the WebSDR project, go to http://www.websdr.org Owing to the limited bands access on this server. More specifically, the lack of room to expand our Softrocks We've introduced several Kiwi-SDRs that are now available via antennas 3, 4 and 5 #3 is a MFJ 1876 high gain loop at 50 feet pointing East. #4 is a G5RV pointed North/South. Our SDRPlay and AirSPY can also be accesible through the KB5AVY RCForb Remote Hams and Simon's SDR Console 24/7 This WebSDR is now accessible from the free Pocket, RxTx App for Android. THNX to Dan Toma, YO3GGX Check out the GMRS band below: Our latest addition
OUR TWO KIWI-SDR RECEIVERS FROM: 1O KhZ/TO 30 Mhz: http://kb5avy.hopto.org:8073 http://kb5avy.hopto.org:8073 Note: you need both Java and JavaScript enabled for this page to work properly. If you don't hear anything, probably Java is disabled or its version is too old (i.e., pre-1.4.2). Note: you need both Java and JavaScript enabled for this page to work properly. If you don't hear anything, probably Java is disabled or its version is too old (i.e., pre-1.4.2). a>
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? kHz @ -6dB; ? kHz @ -60dB.
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